How to list store products in Yandex.Market

To list products from your store on Yandex.Market:

  1. Register the store in your store account.

  2. Complete all the steps to connect it to the platform:

    1. Enter its legal information.

    2. Prepare and upload a price list.

  3. Pay for placementto start publishing your offers on Yandex.Market.

Tip. You can order agency services that can help you publish your products on Yandex.Market.

Important information before registering on Yandex.Market

Stores providing products and services that are subject to mandatory certification, registration, and/or licensing.

Advertisements for certain products and services is restricted by current legislation. The section Providing documents when advertising special types of products or services lists the documents that you must provide for placing advertisements if the advertised products or services are subject to mandatory certification, registration, and/or licensing.

The particulars of displaying offers in other countries

Yandex.Market publishes the offers of stores that sell and deliver their products in at least one of the following three countries: Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. However, the store may be registered as a legal entity or sole proprietorship in another country, with the exception of Ukraine.

Offers related to certain subjects might not be shown in the Republic of Belarus and/or the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with legislation in these countries.

For more information about rules for publishing ads with geotargeting for the Republic of Kazakhstan, see the Requirements for advertising materials.

In the Republic of Belarus, legislation requires that offers related to the following subjects are excluded: medicinal products, medical services, medical devices, veterinary services, nutritional supplements, infant formula, adult products, offers for alcohol and tobacco products, realty services, study and work abroad.

In the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, jewelry is not excluded from product listings. However, delivery options are not displayed for such products, as remote sale of jewelry is prohibited.