How to construct an offer for the category “Смесители” (Смесители) (Faucets)

Creating a header for association with the product profile

In order for the system to associate your offer on Yandex.Market with the product profile, the offer title must specify:

  • manufacturer name

  • model or line

  • article

All these parameters are required and they must be specified in the product offer title. When specifying data, use the manufacturer's terms.

  • Manufacturer: Grohe.

  • Model range: Atrio.

  • Articles: 31000, 32136, 32003.

The offer titles might look like this:

Grohe Atrio 31000
Grohe Atrio 32136
Grohe Atrio 32003

If the same model of faucet comes in several different finishes, this significantly affects the cost of each version, since each type of finish has a separate product profile.

Offer titles for a model like this must include:

  • manufacturer name

  • model or line

  • article or finish material, or both

The finish material can be indicated with:

  • русским или английским словом (например, “хром” или “chrome”);
  • an abbreviation (such as BR for bronze) or a number (or letter-number combination) that is used by the manufacturer.


  • Manufacturer: Blanco.

  • Model range: Antas.

  • Варианты покрытий: хром, хром/гранит.

  • Articles: 515337, 515345.

Acceptable variations of offer titles:

Blanco ANTAS 515337
Blanco ANTAS 515345


Blanco ANTAS хром
Blanco ANTAS хром/гранит


Blanco ANTAS 515345 хром/гранит
Blanco ANTAS 515337 хром

Specification of parameters in order to be included in filtered results

Filters are available on product profiles for this category of products. If the user applies filters, they will only see products that meet the selected parameters or characteristics.

Set the parameters in the corresponding offer elements to make sure that your products end up in the appropriate filtered results:

  • In the offer title.

  • In the param element, in the following form: <param name=" название параметра " unit=" единица измерения (если есть) "> значение </param>.

In the Смесители (Faucets) category there is a filter for color. Example of passing a parameter in YML:

<param name="Цвет">silver</param>

Additional information

According to the terminology used in the "смесители" (faucets) category on Yandex.Market, faucets can have the following uses:

  • для биде (для биде);
  • для ванны/душа (для ванны/душа);
  • для душа (для душа);
  • для раковины (для раковины кухонной);
  • для умывальника (для умывальника в ванной комнате);
  • универсальный (универсальный).

The category also describes the following finish options:

  • бронза (бронза);
  • гранит (гранит);
  • двухцветный (двухцветный);
  • золото (золото);
  • латунь (латунь);
  • матовый хром (матовый хром);
  • медь (медь);
  • мрамор (мрамор);
  • нержавеющая сталь (нержавеющая сталь);
  • никель (никель);
  • платина (платина);
  • титан (титан);
  • хром (хром);
  • эмаль (эмаль).


If you need to display information about a discount on a product, use the parameter oldprice . In oldprice enter the old price of a product, which must be higher than the new price (price).

Common errors

Parameters are incomplete.

Grohe Atrio 

The offer can't be recognized because the article is missing.