Audience statistics

Structured pages are created for each artist on Yandex.Music. These pages show you:

  • The artist's tracks and albums, including newest and most popular.
  • A list of similar artists.
  • Description of the artist.
  • Links to the artist's official pages.
  • Statistics on listeners.

To find out how popular an artist is on Yandex.Music, look at the number of listeners in the statistics.

To find out how many new fans the artist has had in recent months, take a look at how many users added the artist to their favorites.

You can also see where the artist has the largest audience by checking listeners by region.

View statistics

  1. Find and open the artist page.
  2. Go to the Info tab.
  3. To see the number of listeners for the last six months, go to Listeners in month and click .
  4. To see what month out of the last six had the most listeners adding the artist to favorites, go to Likes in <month> and click .

I don't see the region I need in my statistics

The section Listeners in month by region shows the 10 regions where the artist has the most listeners. If your region is not in the list, it means this performer is not as popular among the listeners in your region as in the regions from the list.

Only the countries where Yandex Music is available are taken into account. Yandex is working to expand locations where Yandex Music is available, so the number of regions will increase in the future.