Photos from Yandex.Fotki

Your photos from the Yandex.Fotki service are now stored in the Yandex.Fotki section of the Disk. They don't use space on the Disk. You can download, edit, share them, add to an album, copy to another Disk folder and load to social networks. You can also move them to another Yandex Disk folder or delete them. In this case, direct links to the photos no longer work.

To view photos from Yandex.Fotki, click the Archive → Yandex.Fotki button in the left panel.

  1. Do photos from Yandex.Fotki take up space on Yandex Disk?
  2. Why aren't photos from Yandex.Photo synced?
  3. What happened to photo links?
  4. What happened to my albums?
  5. What happens if I move a photo from a Yandex.Fotki folder to another folder on the Disk?
  6. How do I view information about a photo and comments?
  7. How do I delete all moved photos?
  8. Why were photos in the album duplicated after moving?

Do photos from Yandex.Fotki take up space on Yandex Disk?

Your photos are stored on Yandex Disk in a separate folder that doesn't use space on your Disk. If you move or copy your photos from it to any other folder, they take up space on Yandex Disk. But the amount of free space remains the same. When moving photos from Yandex.Fotki, you receive free extra space on your Yandex Disk (equal to the size of the photos you moved).

Note. If you have no photos (or they take less than 10 MB), the Yandex Disk storage space remains the same. Photos uploaded after March 6 are not considered.

Why aren't photos from Yandex.Photo synced?

Photos from Yandex.Fotki aren't synced, they aren't displayed in the All photos section and in mobile apps. To work with the photos as usual, move or copy them from this section to any other folder.

Note. If you move the photos to another folder on the Disk, direct links to them don't work.

What happened to photo links?

All direct links to photos work also after moving to Disk, if you don't delete or move photos from the Archive → Yandex.Fotki folder. You can't create new links.

What happened to my albums?

Albums were also moved to Yandex Disk. To view them, click the Photo button in the left panel and choose the Albums tab. If an album in Yandex.Photo is password-protected, the album is private on Yandex Disk. Also the album is private if it contains “18+” photos.

What happens if I move a photo from a Yandex.Fotki folder to another folder on the Disk?

You can move your photos from the special folder on the Disk to any other folder and work with them as usual: sync them with the desktop program, view them on mobile devices and in the All photos section. In this case, they take up space on your Yandex Disk. But the amount of free space remains the same. When moving from Yandex.Fotki, you receive free extra space on your Yandex Disk (equal to the size of the photos you moved).

Note. If you have no photos (or they take less than 10 MB), the Yandex Disk storage space remains the same. Photos uploaded after March 6 are not considered.

If you move or delete photos from the Yandex.Fotki folder, direct links to them will stop working. Information about photos and comments will also be removed.

How do I view information about a photo and comments?

Choose the photo in the folder and click  → Description from Yandex.Fotki in the upper panel or the context menu. In addition to the description and comments, you can view the name of the photo, number of views, tags, and meta data (EXIF).

If you move or delete a photo from the Yandex.Fotki folder, its information and comments will be deleted.

How do I delete all moved photos?

  1. In the left panel, click the Archive → Yandex.Fotki button.
  2. Select all photos and click the Remove button in the upper panel. The files are deleted with all information about the photo. Direct links to the photos stop working.
Note. When you delete photos, they take up space on the Disk (files in Trash always use space). To free the space, clean the Trash.

Why were photos in the album duplicated after moving?

If you edited photos in Yandex.Fotki, both the original and the modified version are kept during the move.