Search Yandex Disk
You can find files by their names, contents, extensions, or properties, as well as the names of the folders containing them.
To do this, enter the query in the search box above the list of files and press Enter or click the icon.

Search suggestions
If you don't remember the full name of the file, start typing it, and Yandex Disk will suggest possible matches. Yandex Disk will also suggest your past search queries.

What else can be entered in the search bar
File name and extension, folder name
You can find the file you need even if its name contains underscores, hyphens, or periods. For example, if you search for alice list
, the results will include Alice_list.pdf, Alice-list.pdf, and Alice.list.pdf.
The search function accounts for morphology. For example, if you search for report
, you will find files named both “Corrections to the September report” and “Comparison of August and September reports”.
If there is an error or typo in your search query, the search function corrects it. For example, you will find the file called “document” even if you entered doxument
or вщсгьуте
(i.e. using the wrong keyboard layout) in the search query.
In order to find files with a specific extension, enter the extension or the file name and extension in the search bar. You can also enter the name of a file or folder. For example, if you search for cheshire jpg
, you will find photos stored in the folder called “Cheshire Cat”.
Name of an archived file
You can also find a file if it is stored in a RAR or ZIP archive: just enter the file name in the search bar.
Text from a document
If you do not remember the name of the document or the e-book you're searching for, but you remember a phrase from its text, use that phrase as your search query. When searching by text, the following file formats are supported:
- books: FB2, EPUB
Photo metadata (EXIF)
You can find all the photos taken with a specific camera by entering the name of the camera in the search bar. For example, if you search for sony nex 5
or iphoneX
, you will find all photos taken with these devices.
Audio file metadata
If you want to find an audio file, you can enter the genre or the name of the album into the search bar. For example, a possible result for a search query like rock
is Led Zeppelin — Stairway to heaven.mp3.
Text from an image
You can search for scanned documents, photographed business cards, or ads by using the text in the image as your search query. The search function can identify Russian and English text with Optical Character Recognition.
Name of what's in the picture
You can find an image if you know what's in it. For example, a search query like outside
returns photos taken during your vacation.
Can I search through other people's files on Yandex Disk?
No. Yandex Disk files are not indexed. You can only download someone else's file if they made it public and shared a link to it.
Be careful when sharing links to your files on websites or forums: if your file is downloaded too frequently, downloading will be restricted.