Experiments show that search auto targeting for targeted queries provides an additional 10% of conversions at the same cost. To ensure that all advertisers get more conversions from Direct, we launched an update of auto targeting — soon it will become a mandatory setting in all text-graphic ads. At the first stage, in September, we made auto targeting mandatory in new text-graphic campaigns with displays on Search and added additional tools for management.
From January 15, 2024, auto targeting will become a mandatory setting in already launched campaigns. Yandex will enable auto targeting only for targeted queries with brand mention setting based on ad group analysis.
What customization options are available to marketing specialists
There are additional options in the Direct interface in the group settings with recommended presets for auto targeting if it is disabled.
You can choose one of three options:
1. Do nothing. The settings will be enabled when you update. If you manually control for auto targeting, an automatic rate will be calculated, unless you specify another value.
2. Adjust the auto targeting settings, but do not enable it. To do this, select "Disabled", set the necessary settings for categories and brand mentions and save the changes at the bottom of the group editing page. Yandex will remember your settings and activate them when you update.
If you use manual bid management, also set and save rates for auto targeting. It will be disabled before the update, and after it will start working with the set rates.
3. Enable auto targeting in advance in each group of text-graphic ads with displays on Search: select the necessary categories, set the brand mention settings and bids for manual control. Nothing will change when you update, the settings will continue to work.
You can quickly adjust auto targeting settings in several groups through mass actions in the Direct interface, with the help of API and Direct Commander.
If you have any questions, please contact Support — we are ready to help.