After Apple tightened their data privacy requirements, iOS users gained the ability to control which apps collect and share information about their interests and behavior with advertising networks. This inevitably affected the transparency and accuracy of advertising on the iOS platform.
To help advertisers and advertising networks adapt to these new conditions, Apple developed SKAdNetwork, a technology that attributes app installations to specific ad campaigns while also preserving user privacy.
We are now opening access to the new SKAdNetwork version in Yandex Direct so you can get more precise tracking for installations from the web as well as a way to optimize ads and analytics.
Data on web conversions is already available in the Yandex Direct interface for some of the users, the Report Wizard’s App installs (SKAdNetwork), and your tracker reports.
In the near future, we’ll be including data from SKAdNetwork conversions in strategies for displaying ads. Yandex Direct will be able to include those installs, resulting in more accurate bids.
iOS users are a key segment in the mobile app market. We understand how important communicating with them is, which is why we’re going to continue working on the tools that let you do exactly that.
Optimize your mobile app ads for more complete, accurate data with the tools Yandex Direct has to offer.