Yandex.Direct API

New AdVideos service
31 January 2022, 12:00

The AdVideos service was added to the Yandex.Direct API. Use it for operations with videos.

Available methods:

  • add: Synchronously uploads videos by their URL links or as binary data.
  • get: Returns the processing status of uploaded videos.

Learn more about video extensions:

Shared bid management strategy to be disabled
14 January 2022, 15:48

Starting from January 31, the shared bid management parameters for text and image ads and for mobile app ads will no longer be supported in manual strategies.

Disabled parameters:

  • MAINTAIN_NETWORK_CPC: The parameter for keeping the average CPC in networks lower than the average CPC in search results.
  • NETWORK_DEFAULT: The parameter for configuring settings for impressions in ad networks based on the settings for search.

Please plan to update your apps by the end of January 2022.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the experts in the support team.

Changes in management of keyword priorities and targeting conditions
11 December 2020, 14:40

In about eight business weeks, the StrategyPriority parameter will no longer be supported in the following services:

Please plan to update your apps by the end of January 2021. We will remind you about these changes before they take effect.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the experts in the Yandex.Direct support team.

Restrictions on optimizing for all goals
28 July 2020, 16:49

In the Campaigns service, you can't optimize for all goals in the strategies WB_MAXIMUM_CONVERSION_RATE, AVERAGE_ROI, AVERAGE_CPA. Use the GoalId parameter for these strategies to pass the ID of a specific Yandex.Metrica goal.

New strategies in the API
15 June 2020, 20:51

The Campaigns service has new strategies:

These strategies will produce conversions for the price specified when setting up the strategy.

Business profiles in the Yandex.Direct API
25 March 2020, 14:55

Support for business profiles from Yandex Business Directory:

  • Added the Businesses service for getting the profiles of an advertiser's businesses.
  • Methods for the Ads service now have the BusinessId parameter for Text & Image ads.
Smart banners in the Yandex.Direct API
16 March 2020, 17:09

The smart banner format is an elegant and convenient Yandex.Direct solution for retargeting to generate more sales with pay-per-click ads and dynamic content. To make it easier for you to automate working with smart banners, now you can manage them in the Yandex.Direct API.

New additions to the API:

  • The Feeds service for managing feed files with product offers.
  • The SmartAdTargets service for managing targeting filters for smart banners.
  • Support for campaigns with the SMART_CAMPAIGN type in the Campaigns service.
  • Support for ad groups with the SMART_AD_GROUP type in the AdGroups service.
  • Support for ads with the SMART_AD type in the Ads service.
  • Support for creatives with the SMART_CREATIVE type in the Creatives service.
  • Support for bid adjustments with the SMART_AD_ADJUSTMENT type in the BidModifiers service.

You can read more about managing smart banners via the API in the documentation.

Targeting by user interests for Text & Image ads
19 December 2019, 15:54

Added targeting by user interests for Text & Image ads:

  • For a TEXT_AD_GROUP group, you can add an audience target with a retargeting list that has the AUDIENCE type and contains only audience segments based on short-term interests.
  • The response for the RetargetingLists.get method now includes the parameter ForTargetsInAdGroupTypes.

You can find more detailed information in the documentation.

New parameter MinimumAccountDailyBudget
11 November 2019, 17:53

The Dictionaries.get method returns the new parameter MinimumAccountDailyBudget (the minimum daily budget of the shared account) in the Currencies reference list.

The MinimumPayment currency parameter, which previously combined both the minimum payment (without VAT) and the minimum daily budget of the shared account, should now be used only for the minimum payment amount.

Changes in the Campaigns.get method
1 October 2019, 13:34

Values of the return parameters SharedAccountFunds.Spend and CampaignFunds.Sum now include VAT.

Yclid tags added by default
25 September 2019, 15:18

In the Campaigns service, the ADD_METRICA_TAG option in the Settings structure now has the default value YES.

This means that the setting is now enabled by default for new campaigns. Ad links are automatically appended with the ?yclid= tag and a unique click number. Make sure that the advertiser's site pages open correctly using links with this tag.

Attribution models available in the API
17 September 2019, 13:58
  • Methods of the Campaigns service now have the AttributionModel parameter for “Text & Image Ads” and “Dynamic ads” campaigns.
  • The Reports service for the AttributionModels input parameter has the new LYDC value (“Last click from Yandex.Direct”). Statistical data on new attribution model is available since July 30, 2019.

8 sitelinks
9 September 2019, 14:50

Changes in the Sitelinks service: now each set of sitelinks can contain up to 8 sitelinks.

The maximum total length of texts for sitelinks 1–4 is 66 characters. The maximum total length of texts for sitelinks 5–8 is 66 characters.

Changed the strategy settings for ad networks
22 August 2019, 18:13

Changes in the Campaigns service we wrote about earlier are now active:

  • The BidPercent parameter was removed from the NetworkDefault structure.
  • The LimitPercent parameter in the NetworkDefault structure is used only when the search strategy is set to HIGHEST_POSITION.
  • The MAINTAIN_NETWORK_CPC setting in the Settings structure is used only when the search strategy is set to HIGHEST_POSITION and the strategy for ad networks is NETWORK_DEFAULT. 

You can find more detailed information in the documentation.

Updates to strategies: Changes to expect in the API
30 July 2019, 14:03

We would like to prepare you for changes in the Campaigns service that are planned for mid-August in connection with the recently announced updates to strategies. Changes will affect the campaign types TEXT_CAMPAIGN and MOBILE_APP_CAMPAIGN.

  • The NetworkDefault structure will no longer use the BidPercent parameter. The add and update methods will return an error on attempts to set it, and the get method will no longer return it.
  • The LimitPercent parameter in the NetworkDefault structure will be used only if the search strategy is set to HIGHEST_POSITION.

    If an automatic strategy is used in search results:

    • The add and update methods will ignore the passed value and issue a warning. To enable the NETWORK_DEFAULT strategy in ad networks with an automatic strategy in search results, you will need to pass an empty NetworkDefault structure.
    • The get method will not return the NetworkDefault structure.
  • The MAINTAIN_NETWORK_CPC setting in the Settings structure will be used only if the search strategy is HIGHEST_POSITION and the ad networks strategy is NETWORK_DEFAULT. In all other cases, the add and update methods will ignore the passed value and issue a warning, and the get method will not return the MAINTAIN_NETWORK_CPC setting.

If you have any questions, contact Support.

Negative keywords library available in the Yandex.Direct API
11 July 2019, 13:28

Sets of negative keywords are now supported in the API:

  • The new NegativeKeywordSharedSets service allows you to manage sets of negative keywords.
  • Methods of the AdGroups service now have the NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds parameter where you can specify up to three IDs of sets. The AdGroups.get method allows you to filter ad groups that use specific sets of negative keywords.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the experts of the Yandex.Direct support team.

Video display ads in the Yandex.Direct API
24 June 2019, 16:27

Video ads are now supported in display campaigns:

  • The AdGroups service now supports ad groups with the CPM_VIDEO_AD_GROUP type.

    Restriction. The Gather audience by completion rate setting is currently not supported in the API.

  • The Ads service now supports ads with the CPM_VIDEO_AD type.
  • The Creatives service now supports creatives with the CPM_VIDEO_CREATIVE type.

You can find more detailed information about managing display campaigns in the API in the documentation.

Changes to the RetargetingLists service
3 June 2019, 17:30
  • Lifted restrictions on retargeting lists that consist exclusively of rules with the NONE operator. Now these retargeting lists can use both Yandex.Metrica goals and segments, as well as Yandex.Audience segments.
  • The MembershipLifeSpan parameter is now used only for Yandex.Metrica goals. For segments from Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Audience, the add and update methods ignore the passed value.
  • The maximum number of days in the MembershipLifeSpan parameter increased to 540.
api5, news
Coming soon: 8 sitelinks
28 May 2019, 17:38

We want to let you know that Yandex.Direct ads will soon include up to eight sitelinks. The new limit will take effect in June.

These changes will affect the Sitelinks service, so if you use it, you should prepare your applications now.

If you have any questions, please contact the Yandex.Direct API support team.

api5, news
Turbo pages available in the Yandex.Direct API
15 May 2019, 11:05

The changes we wrote about earlier are now active:

  • New TurboPages service for getting Turbo pages that were created in the Turbo Page Builder.
  • Methods of the Ads service now have the TurboPageId parameter. The response to the Ads.get method also has the TurboPageModeration parameter.

    The Href parameter in the TextImageAd, TextAdBuilderAd, CpcVideoAdBuilderAd, and CpmBannerAdBuilderAd structures is now nillable in the Ads.update and Ads.get methods.

  • Methods of the Sitelinks service now have the TurboPageId parameter.

    The Href and Description parameters are now nillable in the Sitelinks.get method.

    The Sitelinks.get method has the new SitelinkFieldNames input parameter.