Pressure map
What is a pressure map
Pressure map shows the current atmospheric pressure around the world, as well as data for the previous and next 36 hours. Regions with the highest pressure are indicated in red, while those with the lowest pressure are shown in dark blue.
The pressure map is made using the Meteum technology. Map data is updated every three hours.
For more information about pressure, see Pressure.
How to use the map
In the Weather map section of the service homepage , click Pressure.
Click Weather map at the top of any page. Click Pressure in the top left corner of the map.
- The forecast for the near future: move the slider on the time scale at the bottom of the page or select the time.
- The exact pressure for a specific point: mouse over it.
- A summary forecast for a specific point on the map: click on it. Click on it: a card will open with the weather data for the selected location.
- The wind direction: in the bottom left corner, enable the Animated wind option. For more information about this option, see Wind map.
On the homepage, tap the map.
On the right of the map, tap
.- The forecast for the near future: move the slider on the time scale at the bottom of the page or select the time.
- The exact value of pressure for a specific location. To do this, tap the location on the map.
- The wind direction: in the bottom left corner, enable the Animated wind option. For more information about this option, see Wind map.
There are two ways to view the pressure map:
To switch to a different weather map, select it in the top left corner of the map.
To open the pressure map:
To switch to a different weather map, tap on the right side of the map.