Yandex.Direct API

August 2016
API News
23 August 2016, 12:52

The Ads service now supports the image ads. Added new ad type: IMAGE_AD. There are two subtypes of image ads: TEXT_IMAGE_AD and MOBILE_APP_IMAGE_AD.

Added the AdImages service for managing images.

Added the request parameter ModifiedSince to the Keywords.get method.

News Digest
31 August 2016, 16:48

CreateOrUpdateCampaign, GetCampaignsList, GetCampaignsListFilter, GetCampaignsParams, GetCampaignParams, DeleteCampaign, ResumeCampaign, StopCampaign, ArchiveCampaign, UnArchiveCampaign, CreateOrUpdateBanners, GetBanners, DeleteBanners, ModerateBanners, ResumeBanners, StopBanners, ArchiveBanners, UnArchiveBanners, GetBannerPhrases, GetBannerPhrasesFilter, SetAutoPrice, UpdatePrices, GetChanges.
