We have launched support for Dynamic ads in the Yandex.Direct API. It is a new campaign format: the system analyzes webpages content and automatically creates effective ads, meaning that a new ad will be created specifically for each of your product offers and each search query. To create an ad group with dynamic ads, you need to set up your dynamic text ad targets.
Targeting criteria define the set of your webpages that ads are dynamically generated for. In the Yandex.Direct API version 5, we added new DynamicTextAdTargets service to manage targeting criteria for dynamic text ads. Methods in the Campaigns, Ads and AdGroups services have also been modified to support new type of campaigns, ad groups, and ads.
Statistics reports can be obtained for dynamic ads campaigns as GetBannersStat (Live), CreateNewReport (Live) and CreateOfflineReport (Live) methods in the Yandex.Direct API version Live 4.
More details about new data types for Dynamic ads and about the new service are available in the documentation.
If you have any questions, please contact the Yandex.Direct’s API support.