“Age” report

These reports on users' basic socio-demographic characteristics are based on information obtained using Crypta technology. Because of how this technology is applied, the number of sessions shown in the report might be less than in other reports from the service.

To view the report: Reports → Standard reports → Audience → Age.

An example of this report is available for the Yandex Metrica demo tag.

  1. Ways to use this report
  2. Report structure and settings

Ways to use this report

View the age of site users
This report helps determine the age of your site's audience.
See the engagement level of users of different ages
This can be done with the help of bounce. The higher the bounce rate, the less the site is engaging users (bounces are users who leave within 15 seconds of looking at a single page).
Get information on gender and age
To get combined data on age and gender, add the appropriate dimension: Audience → Gender.

Find out which age group of users most often completes goals
To get this data, first create a goal and use it in your report.
Note. When analyzing converted sessions and users, you have to consider the attribution model.

Report structure and settings

The report provides information on user age. Data is divided by age groups:
  • under 18
  • 18–24
  • 25–34
  • 35–44
  • 45–54
  • 55 and older

The report supports all settings available in Yandex Metrica.