
A favicon is a small image that is displayed in a snippet in the Yandex search results, next to the site address in the browser address bar, next to the site name in favorites, or in the browser bookmarks.

Favicon example: . Favicon example in search results:

  1. Recommendations on the format and size of favicons
  2. How do I edit or delete a favicon?

Recommendations on the format and size of favicons

Size: 120 × 120, 32 × 32, or 16 × 16 pixels.

Format: SVG (recommended), ICO, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and BMP. Animation is not supported.

Tip. Use 120 × 120 pixels or SVG format to make the website logo clearer and more noticeable in Yandex services.

How do I install a favicon?

How do I edit or delete a favicon?

To change the favicon in the search results, update the favicon on the site. To delete the favicon from the search, delete the file from the site. Changes will take effect within two weeks after the next robot crawl.