Terrible store! I will not command you at all! The head is rude, she also has the courage to threaten. You can't get through in a wheelchair, the baskets with the seeds have been set up, the administration's attention has been drawn, they don't care. But the question is that nothing should interfere with the passage, not only for customers, but also for fire safety purposes. The head knows the responsibilities of others well, but she doesn't remember her own. He has no idea about administrative and criminal liability.
Everything is fine, but the sausage department is sad. Always a treasured showcase. I don't even want to come over. Well, if they don't take it often, order less or rearrange the showcase every day.
I really like this grocery store. A good assortment, you can find almost everything you need. Excellent baking and cooking. Very tasty pizzas) Are sometimes ready in 15 minutes). Cashiers are prompt. Clean, spacious. It's nice to come in.