About Yandex Maps

Yandex Maps is a free service where you can view city maps, find the places you need, and create routes to your destinations.

Yandex Maps is available in browsers and as an app on mobile devices.

Log in to Yandex Maps to get access to all the available features.

Configuring the map

Use Yandex Maps features to change the layout, measure distances, and move around the map.


Find places or organizations.


Save your home and work addresses, create a list of favorite places, routes, and public transport stops.

Setting a route

Set a route to the desired place, choose the appropriate mode of transport, or check for parking lots nearby.

Reviews, photos, and fixes

Rate a place, write a review, or add a photo.

Place card

Get detailed information about the organization or place on the map.

Traffic conditions

Get information about traffic jams and road events.

Public transport routes and stops

Track the movement of public transport along routes and check the schedule at your stop.


Learn how to use Panoramas to get familiar with an area.

You can also use:

  • Map Constructor to create a map and include your own map items on it. For more information, see Map Constructor.

  • Yandex Map Editor. You can use the editor to create and edit various map items (roads, streets, villages, houses, organizations, gardens, rivers, wells, and others). After moderation, your items will appear on Yandex Maps.

  • The Yandex Maps mobile app.