The Lamus (outbuildings) was built in 1630 and is the oldest wooden building on the territory of Belarus. Actually, this is a two-storey house with a loggia on the second floor and a gallery on the ground floor. It was built without a single nail. Very impressive. It is located on the territory of the Brigitok monastery. You need to walk along the wall from the main entrance to the left and go around the monastery, then there will be a gate made of bars with a guard's room. Tell me what you want to see. They will open it. You can make a donation. In addition, the lamus is guarded by a gentle dog.
Lamus is a wooden house without a single nail. The place was very impressive. You can visit it completely free of charge, but it is possible to make a symbolic donation for further preservation and restoration.
A very interesting place to visit. The museum is not open yet, but the exhibitions are already available. Souvenirs can be purchased. We bought a little bit of a keepsake)