Техническое обслуживание ноутбука: чистка системы охлаждения, замена термопрокладок и термопасты.
Модернизация вашего ноутбука, добавление SSD диска, добавление ОЗУ
25 Br1 pcs.
Сборка ПК
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40 Br1 pcs.
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What I would like to say after reading a review of your organization, I was very pleased that most of the adequate people leave comments on the impression of the purchase, for the advice of specialists. It is also sad that people do not understand the words organization, enterprise, office, bakery… It's funny to read a review from people who write about high prices on order, obviously they don't quite understand the market.
I wish you not to stop there, to set the bar higher in all areas, I believe that you are the only ones in Gomel who do not sell, do not hang noodles on your ears. After visiting the store with thoughts of buying a computer, I realized that I had come to the right place. The thought turned into a purchase, because comparing you with competitors, your build is top. Few people will understand, but for my money I got components from popular manufacturers, not Chinese stuffing in a beautiful case. I was pleased with the possibility of choosing components according to the color scheme. I would also like to note the loyalty of delivery, the fastest solution to the issues that arose during the order, it is impossible not to mention the adequate warranty periods. I will definitely recommend this place to all my friends! Thank you for your work, for the beautiful PC assembly!
The Server company always has high-quality service and attentive staff. What makes each visit enjoyable and productive.
As well as special thanks to specialist Anton.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your professionalism, loyalty and competence in helping with computer equipment. I would also like to acknowledge your loyalty and dedication to customers. Your desire to go to a meeting and help in any situation speaks to your high professionalism and sincere attitude to your work.
Today I purchased the product , I can not Express their gratitude for the service and for a relationship, the guy who helped us collect the goods, carefully worked and helped, and the guy that worked with us, just super professional consultant and a man, very grateful to you, such professionals where there are few 👍👍👍👍👍👍🤘🤘🤘🤘