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190 Br
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Установка имплантата премиум класса компании Megagen Anyridge ( Корея) стоимость 950р
Установка формирователя десны
стоимость 250р
1000 Br
Профессиональное офисное отбеливание Beyond Polus на обе челюсти
Один из наиболее эффективных, быстрых и щадящих способов отбеливания, который подходит пациентам с повышенной чувствительностью зубов.
280 Br
Клкт верхней и нижней челюстей (3d снимок)
Конусно-лучевая компьютерная томография верхней и нижней челюстей
38.1 Br
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта
Ультразвуковая чистка + чистка зубов по технологии Air Flow + покрытие зубов фторсодержащим лаком
Sincere thanks to the orthopedist! I installed the crown on the implant. Clearly. Quickly. Carefully. Polite and pleasant communication. High quality of services! Well done.
I left a request on the website, as a result, no one called back, okay, it happens.
Then I decided to dial the clinic myself, they answered, after asking me to make an appointment, they dropped the call, although there was a connection, I heard the girl. And what was that?)
I decided to take advantage of the "Free consultation when ordering a 3D X-ray" campaign. The doctor Semukha Tatyana Nikolaevna came to consult. She came looking as if I owed her for this consultation. Well, okay, we're all human, maybe the day didn't work out. But if only that...
after a cursory glance at the picture, she announces that I have a cyst under my healthy front tooth! I say, "How? The tooth is alive, what kind of cyst? The doctor: "Well, maybe there was an injury" Looking at the picture, I say: "Where is the cyst, you say?". The doctor pulls her hand to my face, instead of taking a picture, pointing her finger at the place where she thinks the cyst is located. And he says with an exaggeratedly anxious look: "And such a big one!". I will clarify once again under which tooth number it was found. The doctor, slightly freaking out, writes on a piece of paper: "endodontic treatment 13." That was the end of it.
With this picture, I went to another clinic, where, upon careful examination of the picture, no cyst was found.
It's a shame. And these are the people we trust with our health.