Start with Yandex:  From Idea to Impact

Ready to turn your innovative ideas into reality?  Let's make it happen, together.
Your gateway to cutting-edge tools
At Yandex, we believe every startup deserves the chance to shine. Whether you're taking your first steps or gearing up for the next giant leap, the Yandex Startup Program is tailored to fuel your growth. Access Yandex Maps API, Yandex Cloud, Yandex Weather, or Yandex Ads for free and unlock your true potential.

Our program has two tiers depending on the maturity of a startup: Start and Develop. Check the requirements for both here.
Why join us?
Imagine having all the tools you need, in one ecosystem, with free access to our groundbreaking tech. See how your startup can benefit:
Yandex Maps API
Enrich your site or app with detailed interactive maps, tailored routing, navigation, and geolocation services.
Yandex Cloud
Leverage our scalable infrastructure, storage, machine learning and development tools to build and enhance digital services and applications.
Yandex Weather
Improve your operational processes by integrating weather and climate data, powered by hybrid AI and reports from more than 3 million users.
Yandex Ads
Amplify your reach with targeted advertising solutions in the Yandex ecosystem.
How it works
Ready to embark?
We're thrilled you're considering joining us. Tell us a bit about your startup, and let's explore how we can support your incredible journey

Questions? We've got answers

  • First, fill out the application form above.

    If you don’t have a Yandex ID yet, it's time to get one. This ID is essential for participating in the Program.

    To access different Yandex services, follow these additional steps:

  • Yandex ID is your gateway to all our services. Get one here.
  • We focus on two main criteria: development progress and financial stage. Learn more about eligibility and the evaluation process.
  • Check out the benefits.