Yandex company blog

December 2012
Yandex has rolled out personalisation for its search results and search suggestions
13 December 2012, 17:56
The search engine now fetches results and delivers search suggestions individually for each of its users based on their interests and preferences.Web users in Russia, for instance, typing on Yandex the query [nevermind] might just as likely be looking for Nirvana's album, as wishing to find out what this word means. Personalised Search would know the difference and would act accordingly.
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From Feature Phone to Smartphone with Yandex.Disk
21 December 2012, 11:48
Yandex has rolled out a utility app to help new buyers of iOS or Android smartphones to seamlessly transfer their data from their old Symbian, Java or WindowsMobile phone to the new device.
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personal data,Yandex.Disk,mobile