Yandex.Direct API

August 2017
More data in Reports: query statistics from search sites
8 August 2017, 19:28

A report with the SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT type now contains statistics for queries from search sites in the Yandex Advertising Network. The report includes information from both Yandex and its search partners.

In this type of report you can see the name of the site in the Placement field. To view statistics for different sites separately, you can filter the Placement field by site name.

Additional news: Autofocus is become built-in campaign feature
The Campaigns service has disabled support for the ENABLE_AUTOFOCUS setting in the Settings structure.

Added support for second ad title
16 August 2017, 11:27

Now you can choose a second ad title (35 characters in length). And your ad texts can be up to 81 characters long.

  • In the Ads service, added the Title2 parameter for text and image ads.
  • Changed the restrictions on the number of characters in the Title and Text fields for text and image ads, and in the Text field for dynamic ads. We recommend getting the updated list of restrictions by calling the Dictionaries.get method with the Constants reference list specified in the request.