Next week there will be important changes in versions 4 and 4 Live that may require revisions of your existing apps. This will affect apps written in languages with strong data typing (such as Java, C/C++, C#).
What’s changing?
SOAP and JSON requests will work with new types of data, where ID's parameter type of ad and ad group will change to "long" type. The changes will affect the methods with ad and ad group IDs in version 4 and Live 4. The list of affected methods and data structures is available in the documentation.
Right now you can download an updated WSDL-file, re-establish the data structure and begin fulfilling SOAP-requests for new addresses.
Links to download the new WSDL-descriptions:
Version 4 —
Version Live 4 —
Requests and responses with new data types are performed at these addresses:
Version 4 —
Version Live 4 —
Old addresses will continue to work, but next week they will start to return the specified field with the “long” type instead of “int”. The WSDL-description using the old address will also be replaced.
All necessary data types are supported in the API Yandex.Direct version 5.