- The reference list of regions has been changed. We recommend calling the GetRegions (Live) method or the get method of the Dictionaries service to get an updated list of regions.
- The methods for the Ads service have an extended set of possible values for the Action parameter for mobile app ads. The list of the button label: DOWNLOAD — “Download, GET — “Get”, INSTALL — “Install”, MORE — “More”, OPEN — “Open”, UPDATE — “Update”, PLAY — “Play”, BUY_AUTODETECT — “Buy”.
- In a week, there will be added a restriction for keywords: the maximum length of each word or negative keyword in a keyword is 35 characters.
- As of October 10, 2016, advertising agencies can only register clients who are using a real currency. Registration of clients who use Yandex units has been disabled. Accordingly, the logic of the CreateNewSubclient (Live) method has changed.
News Digest
17 October 2016, 13:40