Video ads in a unit

By default, video ads are enabled for banners and fullscreen units, and Floor Ad units for the mobile version of the site.

The minimum allowed unit size is 320 × 180 pixels, and one of the unit sides should be at least 180 pixels long. Video ads won't be displayed in units of smaller sizes.


We don't recommend placing banners with video ads on the first screen because videos might not have enough time to load, which would lower monetization for that unit.

Example of displaying a video ads unit on a smartphone

Additional elements

A video ad unit may contain additional elements defined by the advertiser: a header, a logo, a CTA button, a domain, or text. They help increase the unit conversion rate.

For these elements to be displayed, the unit size must be at least (width/height):

  • 320 × 220 pixels for horizontal videos.
  • 240 × 280 pixels for square videos.
  • 180 × 360 pixels for vertical videos.

Example of a video ad with additional elements:

For banner units, we recommend using an adaptive height to fit the framing container on your site. If the unit has a fixed height, some additional elements may not be displayed. For example, users won't see the header and button in a video in a 320 × 220 pixel unit.

For Floor Ad units, the container is created automatically. You don't need to manually set the size.

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