Text & Image ads

Text & Image ads are universal ads that are created using Smart Design technology. It determines which ad elements are relevant for each user and your site. It can add text, sitelinks, an action button, or other elements, if necessary. As a result, all ads designed by the Smart Design algorithm will look unique.

Adaptive Smart Design

The format is available for Banner, Top Ad, and Floor Ad units.

Adaptive  ads adapt to the container size:

  • For the banner, you determine the size of the unit and its container in the layout of the site yourself. For more information about the recommended container sizes and the unit placement, see How to use dynamic adaptive ads in Banner.

  • For Top Ad and Floor Ad, the container is created automatically and its size depends on the user's screen settings.

Examples of the Adaptive SD format for a horizontal container

Examples of the Adaptive SD format for a vertical container

Examples of the Adaptive SD format for a square container

Example of the Adaptive SD format in a Floor Ad unit

Fullscreen Smart Design


The format is available only for fullscreen units.

The Fullscreen  format contains Text & Image ads that are displayed on the entire screen of the device. The user can close the ad at any time after the close button appears.

For ads of this format, you can set a timer with a countdown in seconds: after the specified time, the ad unit closes automatically. To learn more, see How to create an fullscreen unit.

Example of the Fullscreen SD format

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