Create an item

To create an item (a placemark, line or polygon) on your map:

  1. In the Map Constructor window, click one of the buttons under the search bar (or use keyboard shortcuts), draw the item on the map, and specify its parameter values:

    • Placemark — enter the following:

      • Color

      • Type

      • Fill: empty, numbered (from 1 to 999) or with one of the suggested icons

      • Label that will appear on the map

      • Text that will appear when you click on it:

      Click Done, and the placemark will be saved on your map.

    • Lines — set the color, transparency level and width.

    When you've finished drawing the line, left-click on the last vertex and select Finish from the context menu.

    Click Done, and the line will be saved on your map.

    You can also simplify a line automatically (see below).

    • Polygon — set the colors and transparency levels for the outline and background fill, as well as the width of the outlines.

    When you've finished drawing the line, left-click on the last vertex and select Finish from the context menu.

    You can add an internal polygon (i.e. another polygon inside the first one). To do this, left-click on any of the polygon vertexes and select Add internal outline from the menu.


    Simplify a map item

    If a line or polygon contains more than 1,000 vertexes (in other words, it exceeds the technical limitation), you can simplify the item automatically.

    Just left-click on any of the line or polygon vertexes and select Simplify line (or Simplify contour) in the context menu that appears. When you simplify vertexes, the extra ones are deleted in such a way as to maintain the overall appearance of the item.

    Draw the outline, left-click on any vertex and select Finish from the context menu.

    Click Done and the polygon will be saved on your map.


    To exit item creation mode, press Esc or use the keyboard shortcut again.

  2. In the Description field you can enter text that will display when you click on that item.

    You can also use HTML markup in the description text. For example:

    <img src=""></br>
    Map created in <a href="">Yandex Map Constructor</a>

    When the code is embedded on the site, you see a balloon with an image and a link:


    • Images in iframes and on Yandex.Maps are not displayed. This interactive content only works when JavaScript code is embedded on the site.
    • The image must be uploaded to the internet. Only images that are available online via a direct link will be displayed.
  3. Any item you create can be dragged to a different spot, and lines and polygons can be edited using the context menu. Just left-click on any part of the item and choose Delete, Done or Continue:

  4. When you create a map, you can copy and insert a selected item using keyboard shortcuts.

  5. As you create your map, you can undo or redo actions using or keyboard shortcuts.

    These operations are available during the creation process. Additionally, you may be able to access these operations after you save your map if you return to edit it at the map type selection step (see Select map type and get code or link).

    If you closed the browser tab where you were creating your map, started drawing a new one, or chose a different map from the list, then the operations will no longer be available.

    Actions you can undo and redo:

    • Delete an item
    • Create an item
    • Change an item's properties (color, thickness, text)
    • Change the shape of an item (including automatic line or polygon simplification)
    • Change the order of items on a map
    • Change map parameters (name, description)

    Actions you cannot undo or redo:

    • Change the scale and center of a map
    • Measure distances with the ruler
    • Change the background layer (including traffic jams)
  6. When you've finished editing the item, click Done.

    You can also delete the item. To do this, click Remove.

  7. All your map items display in the Map editor toolbar as separate lines in the items list. Every line includes the item's name and a preview. Line items display their lengths (which are calculated automatically).

    Items in the list are displayed in the order Placemarks → Lines → Polygons.

    Items are displayed on the map in the same order: placemarks are displayed «higher» than lines and may cover them. Likewise, lines are higher than polygons.

    While it's not possible to change this order, it is possible to change the order of how items are displayed within each category by moving the appropriate placemark (or line, polygon) to the foreground or background.

    To change the order in which items are displayed, drag a line from the list to the appropriate position (or use keyboard shortcuts).

You can use the search bar to find the location of an item you want to put on your map (if your item is a geographic area such as a village, street, reservoir, etc.):

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