Profile and settings

Log in to your account

After logging in, you can return to your favorite games, receive notifications about new products and promotions, and save your achievements in certain games.

Log in to your Yandex ID. If you don't have one, please register.

Your games


If you played a game on your computer and then decided to continue playing on a mobile device but couldn't find the game in the list, it means this game isn't supported on other platforms.

The games you launch are saved in your profile. To return to the game, select it under Your games. It shows up to 15 latest games you played.

To remove games from this section:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Click next to the games you want to remove.

Some games are supported on all platforms. You can start playing a game on your computer and continue on your mobile device. All your achievements will be saved.

Setting up notifications

Yandex Games will send your notifications about new products, recommended games, and in-game promotions. By default, all notifications are enabled.

To disable notifications:

  1. Go to Yandex Games.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click  → Profile.
  3. Under Notification settings, disable notifications that you don't want to receive.

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