Rules for using the Yandex Games logo

These rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) govern the non-commercial use of the Yandex Games logo.

  1. Anyone can place the Yandex Games logo on their website or in their mobile app as long as the placement complies with the Rules. If you intend to use the logo in any other way, you need to obtain a written permission from Yandex Games by contacting
  2. You can only place the logo with a direct link to Yandex Games. In links for the ru, ua, by, and kz domains, use the Cyrillic logo. For the and com domains, use the logo with Latin script.
  3. You are not allowed to distort the appearance, proportions, and color scheme of the logo or its parts. You can't use the logo or its parts as elements of other logos, trademarks, brand names, slogans, and so on.
  4. The logo can't be placed in such a way as to suggest cooperation between Yandex Games and any company (person) or the service's association with the offered goods, services, or events.
  5. The Yandex Games logo can't be placed on websites and mobile apps that violate legal requirements, including those that contain false information about Yandex Games and its services, materials that violate intellectual property rights, defame honor, dignity, or business reputation, or do not comply with the principles of Yandex Games.
  6. Yandex Games reserves the right to make changes to the Rules. These changes will be mandatory for everyone who uses the Yandex Games logo pursuant to the Rules.
  7. In the cases where the logo is used in ways not provided for by the Rules, Yandex Games reserves the right to apply to law enforcement agencies and courts for legal protection.

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