Saving passwords for Wi-Fi networks

When connecting a Yandex Station, a smart speaker, or any smart home device to the internet, you need to enter your Wi-Fi network name and password. Yandex offers to save this data on the server and autofill it next time.

Why should I save the password?

It's convenient. When you connect another smart home device to Wi-Fi or change settings for your current one, you won't have to re-enter the network name and password.

Is it safe?

Wi-Fi network data is stored in an encrypted form. The same encryption is used in all Yandex services. Apart from that, information is sent to Yandex via a secure channel.

How do I save my password?

  1. Open the «Yandex» app on your smartphone.
  2. Log in to your Yandex ID. If you don't have it yet, register.
  3. Tap and scroll the Home screen down to Services.
  4. Choose Devices from the list.
  5. Tap .
  6. Choose the device type.
  7. Tap Continue.
  8. Choose a Wi-Fi network and enter your password. Keep the Remember password option enabled.
  9. Tap Continue.

How do I delete a Wi-Fi network?

  1. Open the «Yandex» app on your smartphone.
  2. Log in to your Yandex ID. If you don't have it yet, register.
  3. Tap and scroll the Home screen down to Services.
  4. Choose Devices from the list.
  5. Tap .
  6. Choose the device type.
  7. Tap Continue.
  8. Choose a Wi-Fi network and enter your password. Disable the Remember password option.
  9. Tap Continue.

After that, the network disappears from the saved list.

What should I do if I changed my Wi-Fi password?

  1. Disconnect your device from Wi-Fi.
  2. Reconnect it and enter your new Wi-Fi password.

The app replaces the old password with the new one.

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