Downloading files

Use download manager to view and manage downloaded files.

Upload a file

  1. Follow the link to download the file.
  2. In the window that opens, confirm your action.

View the download progress in the Android notification bar. To open the bar, slide down the upper edge of the smartphone screen. When the files are downloaded, a message appears in the notification bar.

Stopping, resuming, and canceling the download

  1. Open the Android notification bar (slide down the upper edge of the smartphone screen).
  2. In the line with the downloaded file, tap .
  3. Tap Stop, Resume, or Cancel.

Open the downloaded file

In the notification bar
  1. Open the Android notification bar (slide down the upper edge of the smartphone screen).
  2. Tap the file name.
  3. In the pop-up window, select the app to open the file (the window appears if there are no default apps for this file type).

After you open the file, the notification disappears from the bar.

In downloads


You can view downloads only in an open tab.

  1. Open any tab.
  2. To the right of the SmartBox or inside it, tap .
  3. Tap Downloads. A list of downloaded files opens in the device's download manager.
  4. Tap the file name.
  5. In the pop-up window, select the app to open the file (the window appears if there are no default apps for this file type).
In the settings
  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. Choose Downloads → Open downloads. A list of downloaded files opens in the device's download manager.
  3. Next to the file, tap  → Open in... and choose the app to open the file in.

View downloads

In downloads


You can view downloads only in an open tab.

  1. Open any tab.
  2. To the right of the SmartBox or inside it, tap .
  3. Tap Downloads.
In the settings
  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. Choose Downloads → Open downloads.

A list of downloaded files opens in the device's download manager.

Delete downloaded files

In downloads


You can view downloads only in an open tab.

  1. Open any tab.
  2. To the right of the SmartBox or inside it, tap .
  3. Tap Downloads. A list of downloaded files opens in the device's download manager.
  4. Select the file and delete it using the download manager.
In the settings
  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. Choose Downloads → Open downloads. A list of downloaded files opens in the device's download manager.
  3. Next to the file, tap  → Delete.

Clear all downloads

To delete all downloaded files:

  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. Tap Clear data.
  3. Make sure that the Downloads option is enabled.
  4. Disable all other options (if you want to clear only downloads).
  5. Tap Clear data.
  6. Confirm the action.

Downloads folder

View the path to downloads

By default, the Yandex Start app downloads files to the Downloads system folder. To view the path to it:

  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. In Downloads, tap Save files to.
Move the downloads folder to the SD card

If you have an SD card, you can store downloads on it to save device memory. To do this:

  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. In Downloads, tap Save files to and choose SD card.
    • The storage folder will change, but downloaded files will stay where they were.
Return the downloads folder to the phone's internal memory

Once you've moved downloaded files to the SD card, you can start downloading files to the device memory again:

  1. Tap (profile picture) → App settings.

  2. In Downloads, tap Save files to and choose Phone.
    • The storage folder will change, but downloaded files will stay where they were.

Save the page as a PDF file

  1. Open the page you want to save.
  2. To the right of the SmartBox or inside it, tap .
  3. Tap Save as PDF.

This opens a standard app for printing or saving the file as a PDF.

To open the saved PDF file, in the open tab, tap  → Downloads.

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