HTTPS support

Sites that transmit an HTTPS video player to the search can play their content in search results and gain an advantage in showing videos for relevant queries.

If the internal player elements (including ad blocks) are only available via HTTP, we cannot guarantee that they'll be played when the user watches videos in the search.

HTTPS player requirements

For the player to be displayed in the video search results, it must meet the following requirements:

  • The player must be accessible via HTTPS, but it might not work via HTTP. For example, if your site is accessible only via HTTPS.
  • If the player is accessible via both HTTP and HTTPS, the page addresses must be the same, except for the protocol. For example, the player at must be available at In this case, the markup must contain a relative link to the player (without HTTP or HTTPS in the address).
  • To prevent browsers from automatically blocking the player, CSS elements, ad scripts, and other scripts in the player must also be sent via HTTPS. Otherwise, we can't guarantee that the player will work correctly.
  • To prevent browsers from blocking the player entirely, make sure that you use a valid SSL or TLS certificate for the HTTPS connection.