Search query statistics

Search query statistics help you monitor your site's status in search results. For example:

Analytics can include the region where you are promoting the site, as well as the type of user device.

Statistics are displayed for groups of search queries. You can form groups that are defined by the service, create your own, and add search queries to Yandex.Webmaster.

Name Description Analyzing a specific query
Group Contains statistics on query groups defined by the service and formed manually on the Managing groups of search queries page.
Popular queries Contains statistics generated for the top 3000 queries yielding the most search impressions for the website over the last three months.
Saved queries Contains statistics on phrases from the Saved group. Add the most important queries to this group to get detailed statistics on them.

There are many indicators available for analysis. By default, a few are displayed:

The data is updated daily. The statistics provided in Yandex.Webmaster may differ from the data in other Yandex services. For information about calculating and displaying indicators, see Search query analytics.

How you can use query statistics

Find out which queries bring more traffic to the site

To find out which query group brings more visitors to the site, look at the CTR.

Track trends in the site's average position

To view the overall dynamics of the indicator, choose Avg. position from the list. To track trends for specific queries, choose the Popular queries or Saved group.

Find out statistics in a specific region

Choose the region where you want to track data from the list. The list shows the regions where the site was shown in the top 50 search results at least once. Regions are sorted by number of impressions.

Track all indicators in a query group

Click the group name or choose it from the list. To track indicators for a single query, choose the Popular queries or Saved group.

Tip. If you notice that the site position or the number of displays decreased, see how you can find out the reason for changes.