Links are an essential part of the internet. They connect pages of the World Wide Web and serve as paths for users. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the links that your site is linked to other resources.
Partner links If other sites contain links to your site, check that their text contains a relevant description of your site, not just a URL. Ask partners to edit the link texts to make them meaningful, instead of using the words “here”, “this”, “there”, “this site” and so on.
Links used by online media. If online media use information from your site, it is useful to provide a link with a suitable keyword.
Industrial directories There are very few web directories worth placing a site link in. There is also a lot of unmoderated spam directories. Placing your links there may influence your site's development in a negative way. We recommend that you choose a directory based on the following criteria:
The moderator checks the information posted.
The navigation is user-friendly.
The directory contains links to reputable sites in the field and sites of leading industrial companies.
Site names and descriptions don't contain grammatical errors and are easy to understand and use.
The directory pages don't contain advertising that prevents the user from reading the main content.
Pay attention to the links the users can place on your site. If you have sections where users can leave their messages (for example, comments, forum posts, discussion of materials), keep an eye on external links. All links should be moderated by the site owner, if possible. Unfortunately, it is very likely that spam notes will be left on your site. The Yandex search system doesn't take spam site links into account, but the reputation of your site may suffer if you don't control the links left in its pages. If you aren't sure about the quality of the user links on your site, we recommend adding the rel="nofollow" attribute to them. If there are a lot of spam messages on your forum, it may be banned from indexing in Yandex. It is also recommended to protect your site from spam bots using a CAPTCHA system.
Paid links and link exchanges. Yandex values the links that help site users. Links that are placed for a fee (placed with a link exchange and aimed at search engines, not at users) prevent Yandex from estimating sites' trustworthiness and their relevance to search requests. More about SEO links.