Wind map

What is a wind map

The Wind map shows the direction and speed at which the wind is blowing around the world. The map shows wind speed and direction 36 hr before and 36 hr after the current moment.

The wind map is made using the Meteum technology.

Map data is updated every three hours.

How to use the map

To open the wind map:
  • Go to the Yandex Weather home page, find the Weather map block, select the Wind tab and click Take a look.
  • In the top right corner of any page, open Weather map and select Wind.
On the wind map, you can find:
  • The forecast for the next few hours: move the slider at the bottom of the page or select the time on the timeline.
  • The exact wind speed and direction for a specific point: mouse over it.
  • A summary forecast for a specific point. Click on it: a card will open with the weather data for the selected location.

To learn more about forecast indicators, see Forecast details.

To switch to other weather maps, use the switch in the top left corner of the map.

Wind direction animation is not working

Wind direction animation may malfunction if the WebGL library is disabled. To enable the WebGL library, do the following in your browser:
  1. Click  → Settings.
  2. At the bottom of the Settings page, click Advanced.
  3. Under System, enable the Use hardware acceleration when available option.
  4. Restart the browser to apply the changes.