
If you have a problem or have any ideas about how we can improve the service, please contact us.

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Yandex.Weather provides current weather data and data for upcoming hours and days.

Perhaps the data has not been updated yet and therefore may differ from the actual weather conditions. Current weather information is updated at least once every three hours. The weather forecast is updated at least four times a day.

If you notice an error, please let us know. Attach a screenshot to the error description. This will help the support team correct the inaccuracy more quickly.

Describe your problem in detail: how did you discover it and what actions and in what sequence did you perform? If possible, attach a screenshot.

If you have any questions about the operation of the mobile app, Android widget, or the mobile version of the website, ask them using the form below:

Please describe in detail what you would like to improve in Yandex Weather. We will try to take your feedback into account when developing the service in the future.

If you can't find what you're looking for in any of our Help sections, please submit your question using the feedback form below: