
If you have any questions, please click in the lower right corner of the screen and contact us in the chat.

Chat operators work daily from 10:00 to 18:00. Our bot will answer popular questions at other times.

To contact us by e-mail, please select one of the suggested topics.

Suggest improvement

Yandex Translate can become better thanks to your requests. If you do not have enough options for convenient use of Yandex Translate, please suggest an improvement in the chat or using the form below.

Translation error

If you have encountered any error in the translation or dictionary, you can report it on the website.

To do this, click report error, select the desired element and click Report. You can also leave a comment.

This is what it looks like

If you still have any questions about translation errors, please contact us in the chat or using the form below.

The document is not translated

For document translation, files up to 5 MB in size and in the following formats are supported: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx.

Scanned documents cannot be translated, but they can be converted to another supported format: .jpg, .png or .gif, and can be translated using the Images section.

If you have any difficulties translating a document, please contact us in the chat or using the form below.

The voiceover doesn't work

For most languages, the site uses voices from your browser or device.

If there is no voiceover, please reload the site. If this does not help, reload the device. Also try turning on voiceover in another browser.

If the problem persists or you have other questions about voiceover, please contact us in the chat or using the form below.

The site is not translated

The site may not be translated if it is blocked by Roskomnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media).

If you have any difficulties translating the site, please contact us in the chat or using the form below.

If your question is addressed to the site itself that you translated, please contact the owner of that site.

There is no required language

We are constantly working on adding new languages. Please contact us in the chat or using the form below and tell us what language you are missing. We will definitely consider your request.

Problem with Telegram bot

If you haven't found the answer to your question in the Telegram Bot section, please contact us in the chat or using the form below.

Ask another question

If you haven't found the answer to your question, please contact us in the chat or using the form below.

If your question relates to another Yandex service, find it on the main page of Yandex Support or go to the Support section.
