In addition to text translations, Yandex Translate provides detailed dictionary entries with phonetic transcriptions, translations of individual words, and usage examples.
Dictionary entries are displayed under the translation text. The service also provides the following:
Synonyms and similar expressions for words and phrases in Russian, English, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Spanish, Italian, German, Lithuanian, French, Finnish, and Hungarian.
Plural forms of nouns for English and German.
Irregular verb forms for English.
Phonetic transcription is available for some languages and words. For example, transcription for words in English is displayed only when translating from English to Russian. To view the transcription when translating to English, click the link to the word in the dictionary entry under the translation.
Usage examples
To view examples of the word usage in books and movies, go to the Examples tab in the dictionary entry.
Error in dictionary entries
If you found a mistake in the dictionary:
At the bottom of the page, click
Report incorrect example or translation.
Select the incorrect fragment. You can enter a comment in the pop-up window.
Press the Report button.