Translating documents
Yandex Translate can translate DOC, DOCX, and PDF text files, XLS and XLSX spreadsheets, and PPT and PPTX presentations.
To translate a document, follow these steps:
Drag a document to the Text tab or go to the Documents tab and select a document.
The file shouldn't exceed 5 MB.
Above the file upload window, select the language of the document and the language your want it translated into.
Once the document is processed, the translation appears. You can change your target language.
To save the translation to your device, click Download to the upper right of the translation. The translation is saved in the original document format.
To view the source and the translation simultaneously, switch your menu view to in the upper-left corner of the page.
The document language doesn't match the source language
Above the file upload window, select the correct language of the document and upload again.
The document size exceeds 5 MB
Split the file into several parts or compress it.
Unsupported document format
The file extension must be .doc
, .docx
, .pdf
, .xls
, .xlsx
, .ppt
or .pptx
. If the file has a different extension, save it in one of the formats listed.
No internet connection
Restore your internet connection and upload the document.
I can't download the translation
Check your internet connection. If your connection is OK, send the document you translated to support and describe the issue. We'll find out why you couldn't download the translation.