Search pages and sites

You can specify your search query using document operators, such as the host where the site pages are located.

  1. Search pages located at a specific address (URL)
  2. Search all subdomains and pages of a specific site
  3. Search pages on a specific host
  4. Search pages on a specific domain

Typically, the operator is specified after the text of the search query and is separated from it by a space. You can use multiple operators in the same query by also separating them with a space

Search pages located at a specific address (URL)

Operator Syntax Query example
url:full URL
url: host name/category/*


You'll find documents that contain the name “Alice” and have addresses starting with

To find all documents with addresses that start with the specified value, put the * character at the end of the URL. Put the URL in the query in quotation marks if it contains one of these characters: ' " ( ) _.

Note. The address isn't case sensitive.

Search all subdomains and pages of a specific site

Operator Syntax Query example
site:website URL


You'll find all documents posted on the subdomains and pages of the website

Search pages on a specific host

Operator Syntax Query example
host:host name in the format www.second-level domain


You'll find documents containing the word “search” and hosted on the host.

Identical to the url: operator with the specified host name.

Operator Syntax Query example
rhost:host name in the format top-level domain.second-level domain.www
rhost:host name in the format top-level domain.second-level domain.*

[news rhost:com.livejournal.www]

You'll find documents that contain the word “news” on the domain.

[news rhost:com.livejournal.*]

You'll find documents that contain the word “news” on all subdomains of the domain.

Identical to the host: operator, but the host name is written in reverse order: the top-level domain first, then the second-level domain, and so on.

To search by all subdomains of the specified domain, put the * character at the end of the URL.

Search pages on a specific domain

Operator Syntax Query example

[yandex domain:com]

You'll find documents containing the word “yandex” and located on the com domain.