Updating a price list

Your price list must always be up-to-date and match the information available on your website. This ensures that the service users see the current price, correct delivery terms and conditions, and so on. Update your price list as soon as changes occur, otherwise the store may get an error.

  • Update the price list for Yandex.Market as often as your store's assortment and purchase conditions change. Consider the service's data update time: some data updates quickly, every 30–90 minutes, while other data only updates once every 4 hours.

  • If you place your price list on a link, the file must be downloaded by the Yandex.Market robot within 150 seconds from the moment it is accessed. This is why we recommend that you regularly update the file when certain events occur (for example, each time that your store database is updated).

  • If the product remains in a single copy, immediately after you receive an order hide the offer from Yandex.Market using the API. If you don't use the API, delete the product from the price list immediately.

  • If the price changed, update the price quickly via the API. If you don't use the API, update the price in the price list according to the rules. The offer will then be updated on the service in 30–40 minutes.

    If you use both the API and the price list, keep in mind that the price passed through the API has higher priority. It will be the active price for 30 days, even if you pass a new price through the price list during that period. To update a price, you can:

    If after 30 days you haven't passed a new price to the API, the price from the price list will become active again.

Special cases

Note. Here and further in this section the names of elements in the Russian-language version of the store account and their exact translations into English are shown. Interface texts are translated automatically when switching to the English version, so they change from time to time and may not match the translated names on this page.
  1. The price list contains several hundred thousand offers
  2. Update of the price list for Yandex.Market is scheduled

The price list contains several hundred thousand offers

Some price lists may contain up to 500,000 items. Such a price list is generated on the store's side for a long time (up to several hours) and takes a long time to upload on Yandex.Market. If the store doesn't use the API, it can neither quickly update the price on Yandex.Market nor hide the offer. As a result, the service may for several hours display the old price or products that are no longer in stock.

  • Divide the price list into several smaller files. For example, a price list with 500,000 items should be divided into five files containing 100,000 items each.

  • Put together offers that change frequently in one price list and update it more often.

The service uploads small price lists faster and can process multiple price lists simultaneously. To download several price lists, on the page Ассортимент → Прайс-лист (“Assortment → Price list”) click Добавить прайс-лист (“Add price list”).

Update of the price list for Yandex.Market is scheduled

Many stores set up scheduled price list updates, for example, once a day at a specific time or once every few days. This approach is acceptable only:

  • For a small assortment and rare changes (once a week or less).

  • If the store uses the API and can quickly update prices or hide offers.

If the store doesn't use the API and prices and other terms and conditions are updated frequently, for example, every day or several times a day, the Yandex.Market price list must be updated with the same frequency. Avoid scheduled updates and update the price list at the same time as changes occur (in real time).