How to find out why offers are hidden

Some offers that you passed in the price list may not be displayed on Yandex.Market:

  1. The offer is hidden in all regions
  2. The offer is hidden in certain regions
  3. Feedback

The offer is hidden in all regions

Most of the hidden offers are in the report (Assortment → Hidden offers). To find out how to resume displaying this offer, click More detailed in its line.

How to resume displaying offers that are in the report
The reason from the report Explanation What should we do?

Errors in the price list

Yandex.Market checks the price list:

If there is an error in the offer, it will not be published.

You can view the errors:

Fix the errors and upload the price list again.

Quality errors

The QA team verifies your store on a regular basis. If there are errors in your offers, these offers are hidden.

Fix an error and report it to Yandex.Market:

  • In the report on hidden offers, click on the offer title, and then click Error fixed.
  • In the quality error report, in the appropriate section, click Error fixed.

Data hasn't been updated yet

If you changed information about offers in your price list, these changes will appear on Yanex.Market not immediately but during the next indexing.

Wait for the next service indexing (performed every 3-6 hours) and the offer will appear automatically.

Note. Some information about offers is updated faster.

Offers hidden via the API

You have hidden the offer via the API yourself for a period from one hour to 30 days.

You can wait until the offer appears again, or resume its display beforehand.

Other problems

The product cannot be placed on Yandex.Market.

Review the Requirements for stores and Requirements for advertising materials.

The offer contains words that cannot be used, for example, “original”, “discount”, or “restored”.

Amend the offer and upload the price list again.

Other problems (for example, the offer is hidden at the manufacturer's request).

Contact the Support service.

If the offer is not in the report, check the registration status, price list, and settings yourself.

Why the offer is not in the report
Tip. Check whether the offer is hidden in all regions. If it is not displayed only in some regions, you can find out the reasons in the next section.
  • The store is not activated. You can view the activation status in the top left corner of your personal account. If the store is activated, it is marked with a green dot.

  • The offer does not have a link in the price list (element url). This element is necessary so that customers could go to the store's website.

  • Item weight (element weight) does not fit the category restrictions. Download a list of acceptable values.

  • The price list shows the value false for the delivery, store, and pickup elements.

  • The bid is lower than the minimum one and display by minimum cost per click is disabled via the API or PriceLabs.

    Tip. You can view all the offers that are hidden through the option in PriceLabs in your personal account on the service. Go to report.

The offer is hidden in certain regions

Check your delivery and pickup settings. The offer is not displayed if:

  • Neither delivery, nor customer pickup is configured for the region.

  • “No Courier Delivery” has been selected in the delivery rate, delivery services have not been specified, and customer pickup has not been configured in the region.

  • One of the following rates has been selected: “Weight”, “Weight and price”, “Category and weight”, but:

  • The To suspend the screening of the proposals option has been enabled for the region.

  • The bid is lower than the minimum one and display by minimum cost per click is disabled via the API or PriceLabs.

    Tip. You can view all the offers that are hidden through the option in PriceLabs in your personal account on the service. Go to report.

    Due to different minimum costs in different regions, the offer may not be shown only in certain regions.


If you have questions about hidden offers, write to us: