Registration in the Yandex Advertising Network and adding resources


You need a Yandex ID to use the Yandex Advertising Network.

If you're already registered, click Join on the Yandex Advertising Network page and enter your username and password.

If you don't have a username and password or you don't want to use your existing username for the Yandex Advertising Network, you will need to register.


We recommend registering with the Yandex Advertising Network under a new username that is not used to access the interfaces of other services (such as Yandex Direct and Yandex Market). Never register someone else's site (for example, your friend's or employer's) under your personal username: you won't be able to transfer ad units and revenue from your username to another one.



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Click Join on the main page of the Yandex Advertising Network and fill out the partner application.

  1. Select your country of residence.

  2. Under Type of partnership, specify your status as a Yandex partner:

    • legal entity (business)
    • individual
    • individual entrepreneur (self-employed)


    You won't be able to change the type of partnership after registration. If you want to change your partnership type, you need to register a new account and reset your ad code.

    The exception is made by individuals residing in the Russian Federation: they can switch to the self-employed status and back within the same agreement.

  3. Select the remuneration currency (not available for residents of Russia or legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of Belarus).

  4. Fill in the fields with personal data and contact information.

  5. If you register as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur of Russia or Belarus, specify your taxation system.

  6. Select what you want to monetize: site, app, or both.


    If you want to monetize a video resource, choose any of the options and register. After registering, send a request to add a video resource to support.

  7. Review the Yandex Advertising Network Terms of Offer and confirm your consent to the processing and storage of personal data.

  8. Click Register.

After you submit the registration application, you'll gain access to the Yandex Advertising Network interface.


If there is a . symbol in your Yandex ID username, it will be displayed as - in the Yandex Advertising Network interface. This will not affect the work with the interface. To log in to the Yandex Advertising Network and other Yandex services, continue using your username.

How to add a resource

In the Yandex Advertising Network, resources include:

  • Sites (including versions for desktops, tablets, and other mobile devices).
  • Mobile apps.
  • Video hosting services and other information resources available to users on the internet.

To start displaying ads, add your resource to the Yandex Advertising Network:

  1. In the menu on the left, go to Ads on websitesSites and ad units and click Add site.
  2. Specify the domain and the name of the site.
  3. Click Save.

Step-by-step instructions on how to add an app are available in the Ads in Mobile Apps Help.

Use this form to send a request to include your video resource. Make sure to include a link to your video resource in the request.

Your resource will be automatically submitted for moderation. Once your resource passes moderation, you'll be able to start displaying ad units. When the process is finalized, impressions on your site will be counted.


Make sure to specify your payment details and upload electronic copies of documents so that we can transfer your remuneration. To do this, open the dashboard (home page), click Add payment details, and fill in the fields in the window that opens.

To learn more about what information and documents are needed to receive remuneration, see Documents and payments.

Contact support

If you didn't find the information you were looking for, check the FAQ or contact us.

When I submit the application, I get an error

Make sure the form is filled in correctly:

  • Your full name as specified in your passport or legal ID. Non-residents of the Russian Federation should indicate their last name, first name, and middle name using the Latin alphabet.
  • Make sure that the Date of birth, Email, and Phone fields have data entered in the correct format.
Is the information entered correctly?
Yes, but I still can't submit my application

Contact support via the feedback form.

I made a mistake when filling out the application

Correct the mistake and try submitting the application again.

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