Ad units

Yandex uses Real-Time Bidding technology for ad impressions, which enables you to buy and sell impressions in a real-time auction. While the user loads a web page, the RTB system simultaneously holds an auction for ad impressions: it sends a request to advertising systems to display ads, receives their bids, and determines the winner of the auction. The winner gets the right to display their ad.

RTB enables you to maximize revenue from ad impressions, as the ad that's the most profitable for the Yandex Advertising Network partner is automatically chosen out of all the advertisers' ads.

Unit types: Determine the location of ads on the site pages and the available formats.

Ad formats: Display advertising, Text & Image ads, video ads, and native ads.

Configuring unit sizes: Learn more about configuring sizes for different types of ad units.

Ad unit code features: Unit setup directly in the ad code.

Additional unit settings: Restrictions for impression geography, format settings, and other actions with units.


Impression cost: Learn more about how the cost of ad impressions in the unit is formed.
