Recommendation widget statistics

Monitoring statistics on recommendations

In the Yandex Advertising Network interface

It's available in two versions:

  • Recommendation totals (impressions that passed the viewability check and clicks for individual recommendations).
  • Grouped view (widget impressions that passed the viewability check and clicks on it).

Recommendation impressions are tracked for each individual piece of content provided at least 50% of the widget cell stayed on-screen for at least 2 seconds.

The impression counts for the whole widget as long as at least one recommnedation is shown.

To view statistics for recommendations, do the following:

  1. Go to the Statistics section.
  2. Choose the By recommendation widget report template or create your own report.
In Yandex Metrica

Link a Yandex Metrica tracking tag to the site your widget is hosted on:

  1. Go to Ads on websites → Sites and ad units.
  2. In the line with the desired site, click Edit.
  3. Open the General tab and enable the option Show YAN reports in Yandex Metrica.
  4. Enter the tag ID.
  5. Click Save.

After linking your website to Yandex Metrica, you will be able to access a new report section (Standard reports → Monetization → Recommendation widget). You will find two reports there:

  • Recommendation widget, clicks — lets you gauge how recommendation clicks affect session metrics, including page depth and average session revenue.
  • Recommendation widget, most popular — lets you view which recommendations garnered more clicks from users.

Recommendation widgets include Yandex Advertising Network tools that let you view ad statistics. To view statistics reports, open Ads on websites → Recommendation widget and click Statistics next to the desired widget.

Ad unit impressions are considered viewable if at least 50% of the ad displayed in the widget was in the viewable area of the screen for at least 2 seconds.

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