Activate a promo code

Promo codes allow you to access all the features of Yandex.Music for free. Codes are only valid for a limited time period; when this period ends, the paid functions will be disabled.

You can get a code as a gift from another user or from Yandex (for participating in a competition, as part of a special promotion, or to thank you for your help). If you are in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, or Kazakhstan, you can also send a code as a gift.

Activate your code within the specified time period. If you already have a paid subscription and also activate a promo code, then the period of the paid promo period will only start after your paid subscription period ends.

To activate a promo code:

  1. In the My music section, go to the top-right corner of the screen and tap .
  2. In your profile, tap Enter gift code.
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