Market averages
Market averages is an analytics tool for comparing your site's key metrics with the average performance of your closest competitors.
With this tool, you can:
- Measure your site's performance relative to the average performance of your closest competitors.
- Identify growth opportunities with the greatest potential for your site and traffic sources.
- Assess your standing in comparison to market averages.
- Adjust your development strategy based on market potential.
Market averages are available as dashboard widgets as well as in the form of beta reports.
How it works
Yandex Metrica algorithms identify your closest competitors with similar audiences, taking into account the location and traffic volume, and provide aggregated anonymized data through dashboard widgets.
You can add widgets with this data to any of your dashboards.
Questions and answers
No. You can use the feedback form below to submit a list of your competitors. This will help the algorithm identify websites similar to yours even more accurately.
Yandex Metrica algorithms update the list of your competitors every Tuesday based on changes in the market. This allows you to compare your site's performance against a continually updated selection that accurately reflects the latest market changes.