“Page depth” goal
This goal lets you track sessions during which users viewed a specific number of pages.
How to create a “Page depth” goal
- In Yandex Metrica, go to the Goals page in the left menu.
- Click Add goal.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the goal to create.
- Select the Page depth goal type.
- In the Pageviews field, specify an integer greater than 1.
- Click Add goal. The created goal will appear in the list of goals. Yandex Metrica will start collecting statistics on it within a few minutes.
- Check whether the goal is working correctly.

- A maximum of 200 goals can be set for each tag.
- The service registers a user that completes the same goal on the same tag no more than once per second.
- During a single user session, the service can register up to 400 completions of all the goals created for a tag.
- If you edit a tag or goal, previously collected information doesn't change.
- If you delete a goal, information collected for it, is no longer available in reports.