Emojis and stickers

Emojis and stickers are images you can send to the chat. Use them to express emotions and make communication more fun.

Emoji reactions are only available to users who are logged in to Yandex: one emoji for one message per user. Emojis are visible to everyone. You don't have to be a chat member to add reactions. Adding a reaction to a chat also doesn't make you a member.

  1. Viewing emoji reactions
  2. Actions with emojis
  3. Stickers

Viewing emoji reactions

Emoji reactions are displayed under the message. The most popular ones are shown on the left.

If you click or tap the emojis under a message, you can view them, add your own reaction, or change it. Numbers represent the number of different emojis added to a message. Your emoji is shown next to a number on the light background. All other emojis appear on the dark background.

When sharing or replying to a message, emojis aren't displayed in the quoted original message.

Actions with emojis

  1. Hover over the message.
  2. Click the pop-up emojis in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Choose an emoji.
  1. Click an emoji under the message.
  2. Select a different emoji.
  1. Click the emoji under the message.
  2. Click the emoji you want to delete.

The list of emojis is updated from time to time. But we don't delete previously added emojis. If you want to delete your emoji that's no longer on the list, first select a new emoji and then delete the previous one.


To send a sticker:

Click the  → Stickers icon.

You can't edit stickers, but you can delete and forward them as regular messages.