Formatting message text

In chats with other users and company operators, message text can be formatted using special characters.

Markup Result
**Bold text**


```Monospaced font```


If there's an extra space in the link markup, the formatting won't apply:

Markup Result
[Link] ( )

You can use bold and italics simultaneously, including with a link:

Markup Result
**__Bold italics__**

**__[Bold italics link]( )__**

You can use monospaced font inside a different format, but you can't use other formats inside monospaced font.

Markup Result
__```Monospaced font + italics```__

**```Monospaced font + bold```**

```__Italics inside monospaced font__```

Preserving styles

When copying a message, you can only copy the text but not the formatting styles. When replying to a message, the quoted text is displayed without formatting. When you forward a message, the original formatting is preserved.