4.10. Mapping rules: Colombia

  1. 4.10.1. Administrative divisions
  2. 4.10.2. Roads
  3. 4.10.3. Addresses
В данном разделе содержатся правила картирования, которые определяются спецификой Колумбии.

4.10.1. Administrative divisions

For level 7 administrative units (Blocks), the parent should be the administrative division with the smallest area that completely encompasses the block (except for divisions of the Named territory type).

4.10.2. Roads

Streets are linked to any division of level 7 (Block) or higher that completely encompasses them (except for "Named territory" divisions).

You can also link streets directly to municipalities that fully encompass them, though it's preferable to link them to administrative divisions of lower levels.

4.10.3. Addresses

“Double” numbers are written with a hyphen, without spaces. For example: “91-23”.

If an address contains additional letters or words after the first number (including cardinal directions), abbreviate those letters or words to the first capital letter of each word, without spaces.

For example, shorten “76 Norte — 15” to “76N-15” and “23С Norte — 81” to “23CN-81”.

In some cases, in addition to the building and street number, addresses also contain the street number of the nearest intersection and the distance in meters from that intersection to the building entrance.

In other words, if a building has multiple entrances, each of them is assigned its own number.

In such cases, draw the address point closer to the edge of the building, not in the center of its footprint.